Plus one IT Maths LAB_ On-line training

Plus one IT Maths LAB_ On-line training 

               IT Maths Lab was introduced in Higher Secondary level from 2019 to make the learning process more creative and child friendly. Maths Lab opens a platform for learning by doing and it accelerates learning by making it joyous. The inclusion of IT Maths LAB in the curriculum is a major break through in the teaching learning process of Mathematics. But the real huddle in its implementation lies in equipping the teachers to handle the LAB activities in the desired manner. Activities in IT Maths Lab are done with the help of GeoGebra. To get hands on experience in GeoGebra software and to familiarise the model questions that can be asked in a LAB exam, we conducted an assignment series in Google From platform. The questions were prepared with the reference from Teacher's handbook. The core team behind IT Maths LAB took it as a challenge and come up with excellent model questions. Due the pandemic Covid 19 we had complete lock-down from the last week of March. As the teachers were ideal at home this was the right time to kick off our online training programme. We started the training in Trivandrum district and it catch up momentum with an initial hesitation. Gradually the module was circulated in 14 districts and the training programme was a grant success with participation of more 100 teachers from each district.

Here we are publishing this plus one IT Maths LAB assignment questions, answer key and answer support videos for your reference.

Click the following links to get the related files: 

1. LAB-01

2. LAB-02

3. LAB-03

4. LAB-04

5. LAB-05

6. LAB-06

7. LAB-08


8. LAB-09

9. LAB-13

10. LAB-14










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